your healing arts

expressive arts life coach meditation community
High on promoting self care and inner growth.
Your Healing Arts invites you to TRUST in your inner wisdom, BE BOLD enough to try go for 'it',
to embrace the imperfections, the story, THE JOURNEY, the season you are in,
to RESTART as many times as you need to,
to enjoy the BEAUTY and potential that is here for you in the present moment.
Can you imagine:
You feel less compelled to seek validation from others
Celebrate your uniqueness and being kind to yourself
Happily pose for that photo with your kids or friends
Try new things, put that bikini on, go for that date, apply for that job..
Set an example to younger generations,
that they are not obliged to criticize and hate their body like they see others do
SMILE MORE ...belly laugh more!!!
Regain a sense of choice and curiosity
'Live a little'
Our sessions together combine all the yummy stuff like breathwork techniques, accessible mvmt,
creative art expression and carefully crafted life coaching tools to help you:
Identify and understand the relationship you have with your body image, self esteem, fitness, etc.
Learn what you actually want and how to achieve it
Bring calm back into your life
Gain confidence to draw boundaries
Enjoy social gatherings and pose for pictures with friends or kids
Be more energized and excited about your life
Alter beliefs that hold you back from enjoying yourself and fulfilling your aspirations
Create sense of significance in the world
Embrace your uniqueness
Learn ways to understand and deal with emotions
Reconnect and rediscover yourself
Accept yourself for who you are
Create new helpful habits, structure in your day
Creativity, while working with me, refers both to the need for me to be creative
in the interventions that we use to best meet your needs, as well as the healing power of creativity
when it's incorporated in the session.
Movement, expressive arts and journaling combined with aromatherapy and music
is a holistic multi-sensory experience that has the ability to open your body, mind and soul for deep relaxation,
self-reflection and self-expression.
Movement and breath work help to relax and open the physical body and allows the thinking mind to slow down.
Arts expression in this state enables access to a less guarded, less self-conscious part of yourself.
Anyone can benefit from Your Healing Arts, especially people
who may not be able to fully express themselves through words.
In this process you're able to explore your inner world,
develop greater self awareness express thoughts and feelings,
access creativity and self esteem and better cope with stress.
In a simple way, we learn about the nervous system, how it works and how can we 'cooperate' with it.
We explore our breathing patterns and its influence on our body.
We learn about decision making, ways of self expression.
We learn ways to help develop resilience, create tools to deal with stress and uncomfortable emotions,
learn how to stop sabotaging our success etc.
We achieve it by combining breathing techniques, gentle yoga, life coaching tools and self-reflection,
….but also fun activities and expressive arts practices.​
HEART is a word consisting of two words:
This is, in short, the art of healing (arts).
your healing arts offers:
Life Coach
individual sessions
Sometimes taking the smallest step in the right direction, ends up being the biggest step of your life.
Deepen your self-awareness and identify resources that can be applied to challenging life situations.
Explore your own style of navigation through uncomfortable territory, discovering from the inside out what works for you!
Programs &
group sessions
Tailored to your unique needs and group's preferences and requirements.
Participants explore their creativity, leave with tangible, practical tools for self regulation and self exploration, while also bonding and collaborating with others. Your Healing Arts workshops have the amazing ability to bridge gaps between any divisions, bringing your community together in a more intimate and meaningful way.

Finding a Deeper Meaning Through Compassionate Work
life coach trauma informed yoga expressive arts
Kasia Kowalska
founder of Your Healing Arts,
psychotherapist in the process of certification,
creator of original programs for family resource support centres, associations of people with disabilities, local organizations and private clients. In her therapeutic activities she focuses mainly on working with the body, breath and supporting self-development.
For years she has been a yoga and fitness instructor, above all a personal development coach.
Awarded the Diploma of Outstanding Pole in Ireland 2014 for her social work.
Her life experiences have outlined her professional path, during which she discovered that she wanted to share the opportunities she learned along her own process.
Conducting workshops and the power of creation that awakens in people during classes propels her to new ideas.
It took me on average 2-4 YEARS to try something new. Not because I couldn’t, but because I made myself believe I wasn’t smart/good/deserving enough.
I worked at 4am five times a week, off weekends every 8 weeks and to return home and be too exhausted to do anything..all while being a fresh mum. I did that for 12 years least 5 years too many.
I completed and paid for my Zumba membership for 2 years before I was brave enough to at least give it a go. It took me 4 years to try a jiujitsu class and my 'why list' would make you laugh out loud! I held myself back for so long and with so much!!
​I know there are things in life we cannot influence, but I also know, there are plenty of things that we can!
In 202I I wrote my coaching workbook and with literally shaking hands I pressed: SEND FOR PRINTING. Was I afraid of people’s opinions? Was I afraid it wouldn't be good? Was I afraid I wasted time and money? 3x BIG FAT YES!
​There is not a single situation in our lives where we are not exposed to such risk. All I’m learning is practising giving myself permission to try.
I took courses, tried to move closer to where I wanted to be and what I wanted to do, one exam after another... one step at the time. 'At least try' I repeated to myself..
That’s all I offer: help you give yourself that chance to try! Sometimes taking the smallest step in the right direction, ends up being the biggest step of your life.
Looks like you have just embarked on the most exciting journey of all, a journey to yourself! It’s truly a great experience sprinkled with a-ha’s, tears, smiles and new starts! I understood that for every new phase of life, we need to reimagine it, make new decisions, and have the courage to step into the unknown.
I invite you to mindfully crafted work, for you to return home with a renewed sense of calm, fresh perspective, inspired, with more knowledge on self. Find and confidently reach out for what supports your well being, excites your spirit, brings more smiles, fun and inner peace in your everyday life.
As a certified wellbeing and confidence coach, trauma informed yoga instructor, intuitive movement practitioner, breath coach, a mum, I am here to support you every step of the way.
​Nice to meet you! Kasia
Change is hard at first, messy in the middle
and gorgeous at the end. R. Sharma
an effort to accomplish something;
an attempt.
'give (coaching) a try'
synonyms: attempt, go, effort, endeavor, bid;